




Every Sunday, our Mandarin language worship services are livestreamed here at 8:35am while our English Language worship services livestreams at 10:30am. You can also join our on-demand webcasts at any time after the services are completed. Note that the quality of the livestream is not as reliable as the completed webcasts and so it is often better to watch them after the service is completed if you are experiencing technical issues.


盧光明牧師: “從順服到蒙福”

馬可福音 8:34-35 | 週刊




Jon Lilley preachingSunday, July 21, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
PJ McColgan, “Armor of God”

Ephesians 6:10-20 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements



2023 Christmas Eve Candlelight service Sunday, December 24, 2023 7:00pm
Joint Mandarin-English Language 2023 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Fear Not”

Luke 2:8-14 | Bulletin | Announcements


Friday, April 7, 2023 7:30pm 2023年4月7日 (周五)晚上7点半
Good Friday, Easter Cantata, “No Greater Love” 受難日讚美禮拜 音樂崇拜清唱劇「無比的愛」


While you are watching the video, you can also follow along with our new e-bulletin on another device. Use the QR code below to access the e-bulletin.E29811D0-461D-4AFF-AF8F-3991C0C427F1E-BULLETIN – 電子公告  




July 2024


盧光明牧師: “活出豐盛的生命”

約翰福音 10:10 | 週刊


Sunday, July 21, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
PJ McColgan, “Armor of God”

Ephesians 6:10-20 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “從順服到蒙福”

馬可福音 8:34-35 | 週刊


Sunday July 14, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Rev. Chuck Lynde

Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “主耶穌盡諸般的義”

馬太福音 3:13-17 | 週刊


Sunday, July 7, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Those Who Mourn”

Matthew 5:4 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “我和我家必定事奉耶和華”

約書亞記 24:14-17 | 週刊


June 2024


Sunday June 30, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Poor in Spirit”

Matthew 5:3 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “施比受更為有福”

使徒行傳 20:35 | 週刊


Sunday, June 23, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “The Ministry Begins”

Matthew 4:12-25 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “耶穌基督福音的奧秘”

以弗所書 3:1-13 | 週刊


Sunday June 16, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Unless the Lord”

Psalm 127


盧光明牧師: “遵行天父的旨意”

申命記 6:1-9 | 週刊


李毅強牧師 — “讓我們獻出感恩的心”

腓立比書 1:3-6


Sunday June 2, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Temptations”

Matthew 4:1-11 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “忍受試探的人是有福的”

雅各書 1:12-15 | 週刊

May 2024


Sunday, May 26, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Preparing the Way”

Matthew 3:1-17 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “追求生命之道”

約翰福音 3:16-17; 10:10 | 週刊


Sunday May 19, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “A Trip to Egypt”

Matthew 2:13-23 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “在困境中得勝的秘訣”

創世記 39:1-5 | 週刊


Sunday, May 12, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Two Great Mothers”

2 Timothy 1:1-7 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “被稱為模範的母親”

民數記 26:59 | 週刊


Sunday May 5, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “A King for Everyone”

Matthew 2:1-12 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “信主耶穌蒙恩得救”

以弗所書 2:8-10| 週刊


April 2024


Sunday, April 28, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Christmas in April”

Matthew 1:18-25 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “心意更新而變化””

羅馬書 12:1-4| 週刊


Sunday April 21, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Genealogy of a King”

Matthew 1:1-17 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “多結果子的生命””

約翰福音 15:1-8 | 週刊


Sunday, April 14, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Fullness”

Ruth 4:1-22 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “用信心才能進入完全”

希伯來書 11:1-8 | 週刊


Sunday April 7, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Finding”

Ruth 3:1-18 | Bulletin/Sermon Points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “全家人都進入方舟”

創世記 7:1,5,7 | 週刊


March 2024


Sunday March 31, 2024 10:00am
Joint Easter Sunday Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Resurrection of Jesus”

Luke 23:50-24:12 | Bulletin


盧光明牧師: “主耶穌為我們捨命”

約翰一書 3:16, 4:9-10


Friday, March 29, 2024 10:00am
English Good Friday Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “He Loved Me at My Worst”

Mark 14:66-72


Sunday, March 24, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Seeking”

Ruth 2:1-23 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “從憂愁轉變為喜樂”

約翰福音 16:16-24 | 週刊


Sunday March 17, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Emptiness: When Loss Leaves You Empty”

Ruth 1:1-22 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “求祢指教怎樣得著智慧的心”

詩篇 90:12 | 週刊


Sunday, March 10, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Boast in the Cross”

Galatians 6:11-18 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “當遇到患難時尋求主”

詩篇 34:1-10 | 週刊


Sunday March 3, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Reaping and Sowing”

Galatians 6:6-10 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “得安息之道”

以賽亞書 30:15 | 週刊



February 2024


Sunday, February 25, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Bearing Burdens”

Galatians 5:26-6:5 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “當以基督耶穌的心為心”

腓立比書 2:1-5 | 週刊


Sunday February 18, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Spirit is Enough (Part 2)”

Galatians 5:16-26 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “使我成為別人的祝福”

創世記 12:1-3 | 週刊


Sunday, February 11, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “The Spirit is Enough (Part 1)”

Galatians 5:16-26 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “耶和華是我的盤石”

詩篇 18:1-3 | 週刊


Sunday February 4, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Serve One Another”

Galatians 5:13-15 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “認識主耶穌為至寶”

腓立比書 3:7-8 | 週刊


January 2024


Sunday, January 28, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “False Teachers and Freedom”

Galatians 5:7-12 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “穿戴神所賜的全副軍裝”

以弗所書 6:10-20 | 週刊

Sunday, January 21, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Stand Firm in Your Freedom”

Galatians 5:1-6 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “信靠耶穌有活潑的盼望”

彼得前書 1:3-4 | 週刊


Sunday, January 14, 2024, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “From Slave to Free”

Galatians 4:21-31 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師: “看!兩條人生的道路”

創世記 4:1-7 | 週刊


Sunday, January 7, 2024 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Rekindling Zeal”

Galatians 4:12-20 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “娶親的宴席”

馬太福音 22:1-14 | 週刊





December 2023


Sunday, December 31, 2023, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,“The Stump of Jesse”

Isaiah 11:1-5 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師: “從歲首到年終蒙主眷顧”

申命記 11:8-14 | 週刊


Sunday, December 24, 2023 7:00pm
Joint Mandarin-English Language 2023 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Fear Not”

Luke 2:8-14 | Bulletin | Announcements


Sunday, December 24, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Virgin’s Son”

Isaiah 7:14 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師: “迎接生命禮物「以馬內利」”

出埃及記 34:6-7 | 週刊


Sunday, December 17, 2023, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,“Out of Egypt”

Hosea 11:1 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師: “迎接救主耶穌降生”

路加福音 2:8-14 | 週刊


Sunday, December 10, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem”

Micah 5:1-6 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


李毅強牧師: “記念窮人”

加拉太書 2:10 | 週刊


李毅強牧師: “堅守陣地”

加拉太書 2:1-14 | 週刊


Sunday, December 3, 2023, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,“Will You Turn Back?”

Galatians 4:8-11 | Announcements | Bulletin


November 2023


Sunday, November 26, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Doctrine of Adoption”

Galatians 4:1-7 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


李毅強牧師: “保羅的故事”

加拉太書 1:11-24 | 週刊


Sunday, November 19, 2023, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,”Before and After”

Galatians 3:23-29 | Announcements | Bulletin


李毅強牧師: “取悅人的人”

加拉太書 1:10 | 週刊


Sunday, November 12, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Why the Law?”

Galatians 3:15-22 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements

盧光明牧師 : “同心合意興旺福音”

使徒行傳 2:38-47 | 週刊


Sunday, November 5, 2023, “All Saints Day”, 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,“Sinners and Saints”

Hebrews 12:1-3 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師 : “成為新造的人”

歌林多後書 5:17 | 週刊


October 2023


Sunday, October 29, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Re. Chuck Lynde, “Mission Sunday”

Genesis 12:1-3 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements

Rev. Chuck Lynde 牧師: 宣教主日

創世記 11:27, 12:9 | 週刊


Sunday, October 22, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Two Paths”

Galatians 3:10-14 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師 : “世上財富大反轉的省思”

創世記 41:38-45 | 週刊


Sunday, October 15, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley,”Abraham’s Blessings”

Galatians 3:6-9 | Announcements | Bulletin
(NOTE:Starts after 26 seconds.)


盧光明牧師 : “兩個浪子”

路加福音 15:11-32 | 週刊


Sunday, October 8, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Six Questions”

Galatians 3:1-5 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師 : “應當ㄧ無掛慮”

腓立比書 4:4-7 | 週刊


Sunday, October 1, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Gospel-shaped Living”

Galatians 2:17-21 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師 : “最有價值的信仰傳承”

提摩太前書 4:12,以弗所書 6:1-4 | 週刊


September 2023


Sunday, September 24, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Gospel Truth”

Galatians 2:15-16 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師 : “做主手中合用的器皿”

提摩太後書 2:20-21 | 週刊


Sunday, September 17, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Don’t be a hypocrite!”

Galatians 2:11-14 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師 : “願 神賜福你們平安”

約翰福音 20:19 & 路加福音 10:5-6 | 週刊


Sunday, September 10, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Remembering the Poor”

Galatians 2:10 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


盧光明牧師 : “基督徒的省思”

馬太福音 11:28-29 | 週刊


Sunday, September 3, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Stand your Ground”

Galatians 2:1-14 | Announcements | Bulletin


盧光明牧師 : “世界上到底有沒有神?”

羅馬書 1:19-20 | 週刊


August 2023

Sunday, August 27, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “Paul’s Story”

Galatians 1:11-24 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


李毅強牧師 : “使徒的驚訝”

加拉太書 1:6-10 | 週刊


Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “People Pleasers”

Galatians 1:10 | Announcements | Bulletin


李毅強牧師 : “回歸主恩”

加拉太書 1:1-5 | 週刊

Sunday, August 13, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Apostle’s Astonishment”

Galatians 1:6-10 | Bulletin/Sermon points | Announcements


李毅強牧師 : “諸天與神的話”

詩篇 第19篇 | 週刊

Sunday, August 6, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Go Back to Grace”

Galatians 1:1-5 | Announcements | Bulletin


Pastor Lilley : “軟弱與祝福”

詩篇 第41篇 | 週刊

July 2023


Sunday, July 30, 2023 10:30am English Language Worship Service,
Pastor Jonathan Lilley, “The Skies and the Scriptures”

Psalm 19 NIV (1984) | Bulletin (sermon outline now in bulletin)


Pastor Jon Lilley: “一個真正的好問題”

詩篇 第15篇 | 週刊


Sunday, July 23, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “The Easter Psalm”

Psalm 16 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


林德昭牧師: “在基督裡的新生命會”

以弗所書 4:17-24 | 週刊


Sunday, July 16, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “A Really Good Question”

Psalm 15 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


林德昭牧師: “建立一個成熟的教會”

以弗所書 4:11-16 | 週刊


Sunday, July 9, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Rev. En Kwang Ivan Tao, “The Influence of Spirit,Body, and Mind”

Ephesians 3: 14-21 NIV (1984) | Bulletin


陶恩光牧師: “靈力、活力、影響力”

以弗所書 3:14-21 | 週刊


林德昭牧師: “建立合一的教會”

以弗所書 4:1-10 | 週刊


Sunday, July 2, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “Blessed in Weakness”

Psalm 41 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


June 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “The Blessed Man”

Psalm 1 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “未識之神”

使徒行傳 17:16-34 | 週刊

Sunday, June 18, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Jon Lilley, “The King’s Kindness”

2 Samuel 9:1-13 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “認識神”

箴言 1:7,9:10,3:5-6,何西阿書 6:3 | 週刊

Joint 144th Anniversary Service, Sunday, June 11, 2023 10:00am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Dreams and Visions”

Acts 2:17 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin


Sunday, June 4, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Be Happy! Grow in Christ! Live in Harmony and Peace!”

2 Corinthians 13:11–14 | Sermon Notes| Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “基督徒的三重喜樂”

路加福音 10:17-24 | 週刊

May 2023


Sunday, May 28, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Rev. Dr. Bong Rin Ro, former Executive Director, Asia Theological Association, “If the Church Wants to Grow”

2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Timothy 2:8-10, 2 Timothy 1:7-8 | Sermon Notes| Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “靠主喜樂”

腓立比書 3:1,4:4 | 週刊


Sunday, May 21, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Go through Fiery Trials”

1 Peter 4:14 | Sermon Notes| Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “上帝的引領”

詩篇 23篇 | 週刊


Sunday, May 14, 2023 10:00am / 2023年5月14日上午10點00分
Joint Mothers’ Day Sunday Worship Service / 聯合母親節主日崇拜
Rev. Eugene Hsu / 許信靖牧師, “Turning Water into Wine” / “水變酒”

John 2:1-11 / 約翰福音 2:1-11 | Bulletin / 週刊


Sunday, May 7, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit”

Acts 7:55-60 | Sermon Notes| Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “芥菜種的信心”

路加福音 17:1-6 | 週刊


April 2023

Sunday, April 30, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “God added to them”

Acts 2:40-47 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “在前,在後?”

馬可福音 10:13-31 | 週刊

Sunday, April 23, 2023 10:30am
English Language Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Return to God”

Acts 2:14, 36-39 | Sermon Notes| Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “浪子的比喻 (1)-大兒子”

路加福音 15:25-32 | 週刊


Sunday, April 16, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “There is wonderful joy ahead”

1 Peter 1:3-6 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “浪子的比喻 (1)-小兒子”

路加福音 15:1-24 | 週刊


Sunday, APRIL 9, 2023 10:00am
Joint Easter Sunday Worship Service
Pastor Eugene Hsu, “The Lord is Risen”

1 Corinthians 15: 1-8,12-19 | Bulletin


Friday, April 7, 2023 7:30pm 2023年4月7日 (周五)晚上7点半
Good Friday, Easter Cantata, “No Greater Love” 受難日讚美禮拜 音樂崇拜清唱劇「無比的愛」


Thursday, April 6, 2023 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday Service 星期四星期四禮拜


Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “Hosannaʻ Loud Hosanna”

Matthew 21:1-8 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “基督徒然死了”

加拉太書 2:20-21 | 週刊


March 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “Your old men will dream dreams”

Joel 2: 28-30 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “十字架為前導的基督徒生活”

加拉太書 6:14,2:20,路加福音 9:23 | 週刊

Sunday, March 19, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “Christ shall give you light”

Ephesians 5:8-14 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “討厭的十字架”

加拉太書 5:1-15 | 週刊

Sunday, March 12, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “My Cup Runneth over” part 5

Psalm 23:6 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “屬靈的復興—十字架神學”

創世記 26:17-19, 哥林多前書 2:1 – 2, 約翰福音 7:37-38 | 週刊

Sunday, March 5, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “My Cup Runneth over part 4”

Psalm 23:5 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “真實的敬拜”

出埃及記 32:1-10, 約翰福音 4:21-24 | 週刊


February 2023

Sunday, February 26, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “My Cup Runneth over” part 3

Psalm 23:4 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “耶穌–醫治和赦罪的王”

路加福音 5:17-26 | 週刊
Sunday, February 19, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “My Cup Runneth over”

Psalm 23:2-3 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “福音-舊約預言的應驗”

路加福音 4:14-30 | 週刊

Sunday, February 12, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Choo Lak Yeow, “My Cup Runneth over”

Psalm 23:1-6 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 – “耶穌受試探”

路加福音 4:1-13 | 週刊


Sunday, February 5, 2023 12 noon
Active Threat intensive Training
conducted by Danny Tengan,
HCUCC Emergency Management Coordinator

許信靖牧師 – “上帝的兒子(耶穌受試探)”

路加福音 3:21-22,38,4:1-13 | 週刊

Sunday, February 5, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Stephen Ling, “In His Steps”

Matthew 25:34-40 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


January 2023

Sunday, January 29, 2023 10:00am
星期日, 2023年1月29日上午10點
Joint English-Mandarin Language Worship Service
Rev. Eugene Hsu, “The Blessed”
許信靖牧師 — “有福的人”

Psalm 1:1-3, 2:7, 2:12 , 1 Timothy 3:15-16 ESV
詩 篇 1:1-3, 2:7, 2:12, 提 摩 太 前 書 3:15-16 和合本
English Bulletin

Sunday, January 22, 2023
10:30am English Language Worship Service
The Rev. Choo Lak Yeow, “Stop Arguing among yourselves”

1 Corinthians 1:10-18 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 – “有一位比我更大(施洗約翰-耶穌)”

路加福音 3:1-22 | 公告

Sunday, January 15, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Rev. Jonathan Lilley, “The Most Important Question”

Matthew 16:13-20 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


Jon Lilley牧師 – “最重要的問題”

馬太福音 16:13-20 | 公告

Sunday, January 8, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
The Rev. Choo Lak Yeow, “Shout to the Lord”

Psalm 29 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “我的眼睛已看見”

路加福音 2:21-35, 40-52 | 公告

Sunday, January 1, 2023 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Lovingkindness of God”

Isaiah 63:7–9 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “創造彰顯上帝的榮耀”

創世記 1:1 | 公告




December 2022


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Saturday, December 24, 2022 7:00pm Joint English/Mandarin Worship Service, The Rev. Choo Lak Yeow, “Glory to God, Peace on Earth/榮耀歸神,平安給人”

Luke 2:8-14/福音 2:8-14 | Sermon Notes | English Bulletin/Chinese Bulletin


Christmas Sunday, December 25, 2022 10:00am
Joint English-Mandarin Language Worship Service
The Rev. Choo Lak Yeow, “For out of you, Shall come a ruler / 榮耀歸真神,平安歸世人”

Matthew 2:1-6/馬太福音 2:1-6 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


Sunday, December 18, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Emmanuel, God is with us”

Matthew 1:18–25 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “耶穌 – 以馬內利”

馬太福音 1:18-25 | 公告

Sunday, December 11, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
The Rev. Choo Lak Yeow, ”God’s Mercy Goes On From Generation To Generation”

Luke 1:1-10 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “天使之歌”

路加福音 2:1-20 | 公告

Sunday, December 4, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Yes, a New Branch”

Isaiah 11:1–10 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “馬利亞之歌”

路加福音 1:1-4,26-38,46-55 | 公告


November 2022


Sunday, November 27, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
The Rev. David Chun, ”Let us Walk”

Isaiah 2:1-5 | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “基督徒的禱告”

馬太福音 6:5-15 | 公告

Sunday, November 20, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Lord Our Righteousness”

Jeremiah 23:1–6 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “基督徒三合一的生活:喜樂、禱告、謝恩”

帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18 | 公告

Celebration of Life for Darrell Chun,
November 12, 2022
at the First Chinese Church of Christ

Sunday, November 13, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, ”New Heavens and New Earth”

Isaiah 65:17-19 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “跟隨耶穌”

路加福音 9:51,57-62 | 公告

許信靖牧師 — “主啊!我要能看見”

馬可福音 10:46-52,10:35-40 | 公告

Sunday, November 6, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, ”The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob
[God of the Living]”

Luke 20:27-38 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin


October 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Quick, Come Down! For I am to be Your Guest in Your Home Today!”

Luke 19:1–10 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “你看見了什麼?”

馬可福音 8:11-29 | 公告

Sunday, October 23, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner”

Luke 18:9-14 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “神的愛與人的救贖”

約翰福音 3:1-16 | 公告

Sunday, October 16, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Need for Constant Prayer”

Luke 8:1–8 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “為何憂悶”

詩篇 42篇, 43篇 | 公告

Sunday, October 9, 2022 10:30am
English Language Worship Service
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Be a good Workman”

2 Timothy 2:11–15 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “唯獨基督”

腓立比書 1:12-14, 19-21 | 講道轉錄 | 公告

Sunday, October 2, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “God’s Compassion Never Ends, God’s Compassion Faileth Never”

Lamentations 3:19–26 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “辯明並證實福音”

講道經文: 腓立比書 1:9-20 | 講道轉錄

September 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “You lie on Ivory Beds”

Amos 6:4–7 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “聖潔的神”

講道經文: 以賽亞書 6:1-10 | 講道轉錄

Sunday, September 18, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Ransom for all people”

1 Timothy 2:1–7 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “大衛得勝的秘訣”

講道經文: 詩篇 63篇.

Sunday, September 11, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Christ Jesus Came Into The World To Save Sinners”

1 Timothy 1:12–17 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “保羅得勝的秘訣”

講道經文: 腓立比書 1:12-20 | 講道轉錄

Sunday, September 4, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “You are the Potter, I am the clay”

Jeremiah 18:1–11 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

Note: Sound was overmodulating until the beginning of the sermon today.

許信靖牧師 — “聖餐”

講道經文: 使徒行傳 2:37-42, 路加福音 22:14-20


August 2022

Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Do not Exalt Yourself”

Proverbs 25:6-7 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “亞當,你在哪裡?”

講道經文: 創世記 3:6-10

Sunday, August 21, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Bless the Lord, Oh my Soul”

Psalm 103:1-8 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “求神開我們的眼目”

講道經文: 列王紀下 6:8-19, 以弗所書 1:17-18

Sunday, August 14, 2022 10:30am
Pastor David Chun, “Live to Praise God”

Psalm 119:175-176 | Sermon Notes | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “同心興旺福音(2)- 上帝開始的工作”

講道經文: 腓立比書 1:1-11

Sunday, August 7, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Lay up treasure in heaven”

Luke 12:32–34 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

許信靖牧師 — “同心興旺福音(1)—聖徒,恩惠,平安”

講道經文: 腓立比書 1:1-11


July 2022

Sunday, July 31, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Celebrate”

Romans 16:1–5 NIV | Sermon Transcript | | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “我知所信的是誰”

講道經文: 提摩太後書 1:1-12

Sunday, July 24, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Refresh”

Matthew 11:27–30 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin


許信靖牧師 — “同得安慰”

講道經文: 羅馬書 1:11-12, 哥林多前書 2:1-5, 3:6

Sunday, July 17, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “God restores my soul”

Psalm 23:1–3 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin


曾立德牧師 — “一切都是主恩典”

講道經文: 詩篇 145: 1-7

Sunday, July 10, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Early Church Resets”

Acts 10:39–43 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin


曾立德牧師 — “我們是屬神的子民”

講道經文: 彼得前書 2: 9-12

Sunday, July 3, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Walk and Not Faint”

Luke 10:1–11 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin


曾立德牧師 — “愛罪人的主”

講道經文: 路加福音 15: 1-10


June 2022

Sunday, June 26, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Run and Not Grow Weary”

Luke 9:51–62 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “將你所作的交托神”

講道經文: 箴言 16: 1-9

Sunday, June 19, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Soar with Wings like Eagles”

Isaiah 65:20–25 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “敬虔愛神的父親”

講道經文: 約伯記 1:1-22

Sunday, June 12, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Renew Their Strength”

Proverbs 8:22–32 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “感謝慈愛信實的神作”

講道經文: 詩篇 100: 1-5

Sunday, June 5, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Wait upon the Lord shall”

Acts 2:1–21 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “聖靈奇妙的工作”

講道經文: 使徒行傳 2: 1-21


May 2022

Sunday, May 29, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Believe on the Lord Jesus”

Acts 16:22–36 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “為我們禱告的主”

講道經文: 約翰福音 17:20-26; 希伯來書 7:25

Sunday, May 22, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Come over to Macedonia and help us”

Acts 16:9–15 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “愛惜光陰”

講道經文: 傳道書 3:1-11; 以弗所書 5:15-17

Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “You fellowshipped with Gentiles”

Acts 11:1–18 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “鑒察引導我們生命的主”

講道經文: 詩篇 139: 1-24

Sunday, May 8, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Always doing kind things for others”

Acts 9:36–43 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “帶領全家事奉主的母親”

講道經文: 使徒行傳 16: 6-15

Sunday, May 1, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Why are you persecuting Me?”

Acts 9:1–6 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “新生命的盼望”

講道經文: 以西結書 37: 1-14


April 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “We must obey God rather than men”

Acts 5:27–32 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “主裏復活的新生命”

講道經文: 哥林多後書 5: 14-21

Easter Sunday 2022 Baptisms
Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “To us who ate and drank with Him”

Acts 10:39–43 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “主果然復活了!”

講道經文: 路加福音 24: 1-12; 33-36

April 15, 2022 10:00am
Good Friday Crosswalk 2022
photos | 360 VR Video

曾立德牧師 — “舉起救恩的杯”

講道經文: 詩篇 116: 1-19

Maundy Thursday, April 14,2022, 6:00pm,
“The Messiah in the Passover”
by World Mission Outreach

Sunday, April 10, 2022 Palm Sunday 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Lord needs him”

Luke 19:28-34 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “效法謙卑榮耀的基督”

講道經文: 腓立比書 2: 1-11

Sunday, April 3, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “He Will Not Forsake Them”

Isaiah 42: 16–21 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “主耶稣並祂釘十字架”

講道經文: 哥林多前書 2: 1-10

March 2022

Sunday, March 27, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “A New Life has Begun”

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “蒙福的確據”

講道經文: 詩篇 32: 1-11

Sunday, March 20, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Come to me with your ears wide open”

Isaiah 55: 1–9 NIV | Bulletin | Sermon Transcript

曾立德牧師 — “神的慈愛比生命更好”

講道經文: 詩篇 63: 1-8

Sunday, March 13, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Stay True to the Lord”

Philippians 3:17-4:1 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “充满愛的生命”

講道經文: 馬可福音 14: 3-9 & 哥林多前書 16: 14

Sunday, March 6, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Word is on your lips”

Romans 10:8-13 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “珍惜主愛”

講道經文: 約翰福音 8: 1-11

February 2022

Sunday, February 27, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Various Kinds of Materials”

1 Corinthians 3:5–6,10–16 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “主愛拯救我們”

講道經文: 出埃及記12: 29-42, 約翰福音 13: 1

Sunday, February 20, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Trust in the Lord instead”

Psalm 37:1-11 NIV | Sermon transcript | Bulletin

曾立德牧師 — “赦免的愛”

講道經文: 創世記 45: 1-16

Sunday, February 13, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “A Tree Planted Along The River Bank”

Jeremiah 17:5-10 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [哥林多前書 13: 1-13] — “神聖主愛”

Sunday, February 6, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Lord, I’ll Go! Send Me”

Isaiah 6:1-8 NIV | Sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [耶利米書 17: 5-8] — “蒙福的人生”

耶利米書 17: 5-8

January 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me”

Luke 4:14-21 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [哥林多前書 9: 16-27] — “甘心樂意傳福音”

Sunday, January 23, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow,
“The body has many parts [unity], not just one part [hence diversity]”

1 Corinthians 12:12-21 & 27-28 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [歌羅西書 1: 1-14] — “力上加力的成長”

Sunday, January 16, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Land of God’s Delight -The Bride”

Isaiah 62:1-5 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 4: 31-42] — “作成主的工”

Sunday, January 9, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “The Flames Will Not Consume You”

Isaiah 43:1-7 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [羅馬書 12: 1-11] — “全然獻上服事主”

Sunday, January 2, 2022 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “God sends the snow, then,the spring winds blow”

Psalm 147:12-20 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [列王紀上 17: 1-16] — “天父必看顧”



December 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart”

Colossians 3:12–17 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 111: 1-10] — “行奇事大能的主”

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow,
“I’ve heard about this baby boy. I know You came to rescue me”

John 1:14 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

Sunday, December 19, 2021
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “I have come to do Your will”

Hebrews 10:5-10 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 2: 1-14, 20] — “大喜的信息”

Sunday, December 12, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “Rejoice in the Lord, Always”

Philippians 4:4-7 NIV | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [以賽亞書 9: 1-7] — “主的平安真光照耀在人間”

Sunday, December 5, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, “There is Joy”

Psalm 122 | Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 15: 1-10] — “屬天的喜樂”

November 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021 10:30
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 25:1-10, “Don’t fail me, Lord”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 21: 25-36] — “神的國近了”

Sunday, November 21, 2021
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 126:1-10 & Matthew 6:25-27, “El Shaddai”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [約伯記 1: 13-22] — “苦難中的稱頌感恩”

Sunday, November 14, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 16:1-11, “The Lord Himself is my inheritance”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 50: 7-15] — “獻上感恩的祭”

Sunday, November 7, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 146:1-10, “He is the God who gives justice to the poor and oppressed”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [希伯來書 12: 1-3] — “恒心仰望主耶稣”

October 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 145:1-4, “Remembering our Saints”

Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 13: 1-3] — “顺服主的差遣”

Sunday, October 24, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 10:46-52, “I Want To See”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 11: 19-26] — “活出基督的榮美”

Sunday, October 17, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 10:35-45, “A Ransom for Many”
sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [提摩太後書 1: 8-14] — “不以見證主為耻”

Sunday, October 10, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 10:28-31, “A Hundred Times Over”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 9: 23-27] — “天天背起十字架跟從主”

Sunday, October 3, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 10:13–16, “Let the children come to me”

YouTube Site | sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [哥林多前書 2: 1-5] — “只傳主耶稣和祂的十字架”

September 2021

Sunday, September 26, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 124:1-8, “Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 146: 1-10] — “一生讚美主”

Sunday, September 19, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 1:1-6, “But they delight in doing everything God wants them to”
sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 116: 1-19] — “一生求告主”

Sunday, September 12, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 19:1-14, “The heavens are telling the glory of God – The Hand that made us is Divine”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [約翰三書 1: 1-8] — “主裏生命的興盛”

Sunday, September 5, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 146:1-9, “God Protects the Immigrants, and Cares for the Orphans & Widows”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

– 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 6: 34-40] — “主是生命的糧”

August 2021

– 曾立德牧師 [出埃及記 16: 21-35] — “神奇妙的供應”

Sunday, August 29, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 15:1–5, “Lord, who shall abide in your tabernacle?”

sermon transcript | Bulletin

Sunday, August 22, 2021 10:30am
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 84:1–5, “Even the sparrows and swallows are welcome”

Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

2021年8月22日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [彼得前書 5: 7-11] — “把一切憂慮卸給神”

Sunday, August 15, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 111: 1 – 5, God gives food to those who trust God
sermon transcript | Bulletin

2021年8月15日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [創世記 33: 1-20] — “主裏相愛和好的祝福”

Sunday, August 8, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 130:1–7, “Hear me! Answer! Help me!”

Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

2021年8月8日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 3: 14-22] — “荣耀的基督要教會熱心”

Sunday, August 1, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 51:10–13, “Create in me a new, clean heart”
Sermon Transcript | Bulletin

2021年8月1日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 3: 7-13] — “荣耀的基督與忠心的教會”

July 2021

2021年7月25日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 3: 1-6] — “荣耀的基督要教會儆醒”
Sunday, July 25, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 145: 10–18, “You give them their food”
sermon transcript
2021年7月18日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 2: 18-29] — “荣耀的基督察看人”

Sunday, July 18, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 6:30-34, “Get away for a while and rest”
sermon transcript

2021年7月11日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 2: 12-17] — “荣耀的基督要教會聖潔”

Sunday, July 11, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Amos 7:10–14, “I am no prophet”

sermon transcript

2021年7月4日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [加拉太書 5: 1, 13-26] — “基督裏的真自由”

Sunday, July 4, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, “When I am weak”

sermon transcript

June 2021

2021年6月27日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 2: 8-11] — “荣耀的基督,生命的盼望”

Sunday, June 27, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 5: 21-34, Who Touched My Clothes?

2021年6月20日上午8點45分中文堂父親節主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [創世記 6: 9-22] — “與神同行的父親”

Sunday, June 20, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 4:35-41, The other side of the Lake
sermon transcript

2021年6月13日上午8點45分中文堂成立142周年感恩主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [啟示錄 2: 1-7] — “荣耀的基督要教會有愛心”

Sunday, June 12/13, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 20:1-5, Faith of our fathers and mothers”
sermon transcript

2021年6月6日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [启示錄 1:4-20] — “荣耀的基督與教會”

Sunday, June 5/6, 2021-Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 2 Corinthians 4:13-18, “The joys to come will last forever”

sermon transcript

May 2021

2021年5月30日上午8點45分中文堂三一主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 10: 25-48] — “三一真神愛世人”

Sunday, May 30, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Isaiah 6:1–8, “A C T S – Worship! Service! Send me!”
sermon transcript

2021年5月23日上午8點45分中文堂聖靈降臨節主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 2: 1-21] — “復興我們的聖靈”

Sunday, May 23, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 2: 1 – 12, “What can this mean?”
sermon transcript

2021年5月16日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [以弗所書 1: 15-23] — “升天的主耶穌基督”

Sunday, May 16, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, John 17: 9 – 12, “So That They are My Glory”

sermon transcript

2021年5月9日上午8點45分中文堂母親節主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [哥林多前書 13: 4-8上, 哥林多前書 13: 13, 以赛亞書 66: 13上] — “從神而來的愛”

Sunday, May 9, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 10: 44 – 48, “The Holy Spirit and the Gentiles”

Alternate site:YouTube
sermon transcript

2021年5月2日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 2: 37-47] — “教會的建立”

Sunday, May 2, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 8:26–40, “For His life is taken from the earth”

sermon transcript

Nate and Cynthia singing May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii

April 2021

2021年4月25日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 21: 1-19] — “復活的主關愛我們”

Sunday, April 25, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 4:5–12, “Done in the name and power of Jesus from Nazareth”
sermon transcript

2021年4月18日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 24: 36-49] — “見證復活的主”

Sunday, April 18, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 3:12–19 “The Messiah must suffer all these things”
sermon transcript


2021年4月11日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [羅馬書 14: 7-12] — “我們是属主的人”

Sunday, April 11, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Acts 4:32–37, “Everyone was sharing”
sermon transcript


2021年4月4日上午8點45分中文堂復活節聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [馬可福音 16: 1-8] — “主已經復活了”


Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow



Good Friday Cross Walk 2021, April 2, 2021


2021年4月1日上午8點45分中文堂設立聖餐夜崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 22: 14-20] — “思念主愛的恩餐”


Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, John 13:34–35, “My Song is Love Unknown, He came to pay a debt”


March 2021

2021年3月28日上午8點45分中文堂棕枝主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [馬太福音 21: 1-11] — “和散那!賀主為王”


Sunday, March 28, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 11:1-10, “Our Master Needs Him and Will Return Him soon”
sermon transcript


2021年3月21日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第五主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [以賽亞書 26: 1-12] — “十分平安的生命”


Sunday, March 21, 2021 – Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Hebrews 5:5–10, “When Obeying means suffering”
sermon transcript


2021年3月14日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第四主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [以弗所書 2: 1-10] — “主裏豐盛的恩典”


Sunday, March 14, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, John 3:14-17, “For God So Loved the World”
Alternative YouTube webcast site
sermon transcript


2021年3月7日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第三主日/聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 15: 9-17] — “主稱我們為朋友”


Sunday, March 7, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, I Corinthians 1:18-25, “This so-called ‘foolish plan of God”
sermon transcript


February 2021

2021年2月28日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第二主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 12: 27-36] — “主為你我釘在十架上”


Sunday, February 28, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Romans 4:18–25, “But Abraham never doubted”
sermon transcript


2021年2月21日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第一主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [創世記 9: 8-17, 彼得前書 3:20-22] — “神所立的永約”


Sunday, February 21, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 1 Peter:3:18-22, “Christ also Suffered”
sermon transcript


2021年2月14日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [诗篇 65: 1-13] — “恩典為年歲的冠冕”


Sunday, February 13, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 2 Corinthians 4:5-10, “But This Precious Treasure”
sermon transcript


2021年2月7日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [約翰一書 5: 1-5] — “得勝的生命”


Sunday, February 7, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Isaiah 40:25-31, “They that wait upon the Lord”
sermon transcript


January 2021

2021年1月31日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [希伯來書 12: 22-28] — “不能震動的國”


Sunday, January 31, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Mark 1:21-22, “He Spoke as an Authority”
sermon transcript


2021年1月24日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [馬可福音 1: 14-20] — “捨棄一切跟随主”


Sunday, January 24, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, “Our remaining time is very short”
sermon transcript


2021年1月17日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [腓立比書 3: 12-16] — “在基督裏的獎賞”


Sunday, January 16, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 1 Samuel 3:1-10, “Yes Lord, I’m Listening”
sermon transcript


2021年1月10日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [約書亞記 1: 1-9] — “剛強壯膽,與主前行”


Sunday, January 10, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Matthew 2:9-15, “Epiphany-Baby Jesus as a Refugee[1]”
sermon transcript

2021年1月3日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [箴言 4: 20-27] — “將心獻上給主”


Sunday, January 3, 2021 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Ephesians 1:9-14, “When the time is ripe
sermon transcript




December 2020

Thursday, December 31, 2020
Pastor Kekapa Lee’s Celebration of Life: “E Ola Mau No…In God, Life is Everlasting”
kekapa title
Our beloved pastor, the Reverend Kekapa’ahu’ulaokapo’ohiwaokamehameha Pauole Kealakala’i Lee passed away on November 19, 2020 at 74 years old.
Kekapa was a Na Hoku Hanohano Award winner in 1998 for his album “Aloha Kekahi I Kekahi”.2020年12月27日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 111: 1-10] — “一心稱謝神”Sunday, December 27, 2020 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Isaiah 61:1–3, “To bring good news to the suffering and afflicted”
sermon transcript2020年12月25日上午8點45分中文堂聖誕日網路崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [馬太福音 1: 18-25] — “以馬内利- 為你而生”


Our joint English-Chinese Christmas Eve 2020 Virtual Candlelight Service Webcast


2020年12月20日上午8點45分中文堂將臨期第四主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [約翰一書 4: 7-19] — “神就是愛”


Sunday, December 20, 2020 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Luke 1:26-38, “Peace that transcends human understanding”
sermon transcript


2020年12月13日上午8點45分中文堂將臨期第三主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [以赛亚書 61: 1-4, 8-11] — “因主大大歡喜”


Sunday, December 13, 2020 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Isaiah 61:1-3, “The oil of joy instead of mourning”
sermon transcript


2020年12月6日上午8點45分中文堂將臨期第二主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [約翰福音 14: 27-31] — “主所賜的平安”


Sunday, December 6, 2020 Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Isaiah 40:1–8, “Love came down at Christmas”
sermon transcript


November 2020

2020年11月29日上午8點45分中文堂將臨期第一主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [彼得後書 3:3-15] — “預備迎見主”


Sunday, November 28, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 80:1-3,17-18, “The Hope for Years to Come”
sermon transcript


2020年11月22日上午8點45分中文堂感恩主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [帖撒罗尼迦前書 5: 16-24] — “凡事謝恩”


Sunday, November 22, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 100:1–5 “Shout with joy unto the Lord”
NOTE: The system crashed twice today with this segment ending two minutes into a tribute to Pastor Kekapa Lee who passed away on Thursday so this service is divided into two segments.
The remainder of the worship service found at this link, will begin after Kekapa’s tribute with the second announcement to the end of the service.
sermon transcript


2020年11月15日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [腓立比書 4: 10-20] — “主是我力量”


Sunday, November 15, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Matthew 25:34–46 “The best is yet to be”
sermon transcript


2020年11月8日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [馬太福音 6: 25-34] — “先求神的國和祂的義”


Sunday, November 8, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalms 78:1–3, Galatians 3:5-9 and Romans 10:14–15 “By The Hearing of Faith”
sermon transcript


2020年11月1日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [约翰一書 1: 5-10] — “信實公義的神”


Sunday, November 1, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Psalm 139:13-14 and 1 Thessalonians 2:9 & 13 “The very Word of God changed your lives when you believed it”
sermon transcript

October 2020

2020年10月25日上午8點45分中文堂宣教主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [腓立比書 1: 3-11] — “同心興旺福音”

Sunday, October 25, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, 1 Thessalonians 2:4-8 “We give you not only God’s message, but also our own lives too”
sermon transcript

Saturday, October 24, 2020
Grant Lee’s Celebration of Life: “A Life Beautiful”
“I believe the journey of life is rooted in story.
Each of us is a story and has many stories to tell. These stories enable us to inform others of who we are and perhaps who we long to be and how God manifests God’s self in the world.”

2020年10月18日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [使徒行傳 13: 1-7] — “傳主福音的教會”


Sunday, October 18, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow,
1 Thessalonians 1:1–6 “God has chosen you”

sermon transcript


2020年10月11日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [路加福音 10: 1-9, 17-20] — “蒙主差遣的子民”


Sunday, October 11, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Philippians 4:4-7 “Always be full of joy in the Lord”
sermon transcript


2020年10月4日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [希伯來書 8: 6-13] — “更美的約”


Sunday, October 4, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Philippians 3:12-14 “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead”
sermon transcript

September 2020

2020年9月27日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [彼得前書 1: 1-9] — “天上永恆的基業”


Sunday, September 27, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Philippians 2:1-2 “Loving each other, agreeing whole-heartedly with each other, working together with each other with one heart and mind and purpose”
sermon transcript


2020年9月20日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [腓立比書 3: 1-12] — “生命中的至寶”


Sunday, September 20, 2020 English Language worship:
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Philippians 1:27-30 “Tell the Good News fearlessly because of suffering for him”

… ( Alternate YouTube site)
sermon transcript


2020年9月13日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 121: 1-8] — “幫助我們的神”


September 13, 2020 English Language worship:
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Genesis 50:14-21 “God turned into good what you meant for evil: From pit to palace”

sermon transcript


2020年9月6日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 139: 1-24] — “鑒察人心的神”


September 5, 2020 English Language worship:
Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Romans 13:11-14 “Time is Running Out”

Due to system crash, we are continuing from the beginning of the sermon HERE.
sermon transcript


August 2020

2020年8月30日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [以斯帖記 4: 1-17] — “全然順服的心”


August 29, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Exodus 3:1-6 “The bush was on fire and that it didn’t burn up. Nevertheless, it was not consumed. Nec tamen consumebatur”
sermon transcript


2020年8月23日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜– 曾立德牧師 [箴言 17:22, 腓立比書 4:4-7] “主裏喜樂的心”


August 22, 2020 English Language worship:Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Romans 12:6-8 “Those who offer comfort to the sorrowing should do so with Christian cheer”
sermon transcript


2020年8月16日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [诗篇 90: 1-17] “智慧的心”


August 16, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, Matthew 15:22–28 “For even the puppies beneath the table are permitted to eat the crumbs that fall”
sermon transcript


2020年8月9日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜 – 曾立德牧師 [诗篇 42: 1-11] “渴慕神的心”


August 9, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 85:8-13 “Mercy and truth have met together”
sermon transcript


2020年8月2日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [哥林多前書 11:23-29] — “生命恩餐”


August 2, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 8:1-4 “AN EXCITING DISCOVERY”
sermon transcript


July 2020

2020年7月26日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [羅馬書 12: 1-2] — “心意更新而變化”


July 26, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 105: 1-2 “Thank the Lord; Sing God’s Praises”
sermon transcript


2020年7月19日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [雅各書 4: 13-17] — “把明天交托給主”


July 19, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – John 21:18-1“When You Were Young, But When You Are Old”
sermon transcript


2020年7月12日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 46: 1-11] “你們要休息”


July 12, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – John 21:15-19 “You Know That I Love You (Peter) Then Feed My Lambs (Jesus)”
sermon transcript


2020年7月5日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [歌羅西書 3: 12-17] “基督的平安在心裏作主”


July 5, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Matthew 26:26-30 “In Remembrance of Me”
sermon transcript


June 2020

2020年6月28日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 [詩篇 30: 1-12] “神永恒的恩典”


June 28, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Jeremiah 28:5-9 “False Prophets in Our Time”
sermon transcript


2020年6月21日上午8點45分中文堂父親節主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [詩篇 128:1-6] “蒙福的父親”


June 21, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Ezekiel 22: 27-31 “No one to stand in the gap”
sermon transcript


2020年6月14日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [使徒行傳 5:1-14] “教會的聖潔”


June 14, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Ephesians 4:12-13 “He raised me up”
sermon transcript


2020年6月7日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [使徒行傳 2:37-47] “聖靈工作的果效”


June 6, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Romans 8:24-28 “Pentecost, A heart-warming experience”
sermon transcript


May 2020

2020年5月31日上午8點45分中文堂聖靈降臨節主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [使徒行傳 2:1-4; 14-21]  “被聖靈充满的教會”


May 31, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Acts 2:1-6 “The Pentecostal Blessing”


2020年5月24日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [使徒行傳 1:1-11] “主的升天與再來”


May 24, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Deuteronomy 24:7-12 “Memorial Day Message”


2020年5月17日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [約翰福音 14:1-7]  “永恒的天家


May 17, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Acts 17:22-31


2020年5月10日上午8點45分中文堂母親節主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [使徒行傳 1:12-14; 12:11-12, 25]  “以基督為一家之主的母親


May 10, 2020English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: Proverbs 31:25-31 “A Multi-Tasking Mom Today”


2020年5月3日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜:曾立德牧師 – [詩篇 23:1-6] “主是我的牧者”


May 3, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Acts 2:42-47 “They broke bread in their homes at Holy Communion Services”


April 2020

2020年4月26日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜:曾立德牧師 – [羅馬書 8:31-39] —“靠主得勝有餘”


April 26, 2020 English Language worship:Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Acts 2:36-39 “Because it was not possible that He should be held by death, Death could not keep this man within its grip”


2020年4月19日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜:曾立德牧師 – [路加福音 24:13-35] “復活的主關心你與我”


April 19, 2020 English Worship service: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Acts 2:22-24 “Death could not keep this man within its grip”


2020年4月12日上午8點45分中文堂復活莭主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – [约翰福音 20:1-23] “基督復活的大能”


April 12, 2020 English Language Easter Sunday worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – 1 Corinthians 15:1-9 “Great Easter Joy”




4/10/2020 Good Friday Message: Kahu Choo Lak Yeow “Reflections on Good Friday”


2020年4月5日上午8點45分中文堂第六预苦期棕枝主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “儆醒祷告”


April 5, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: Mark 11:1-10 “Palm Sunday’s Lessons and Covid-19”


March 2020

2020年3月29日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第五主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “主裏相愛”


March 29, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalms 130:1-8, “Good Things Can Still Happen in the Worst Horrible Day”


2020年3月22日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第四主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “單單仰望主耶稣”


March 22, 2020 English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Romans 5:6-8, “Love to the Loveless Shown”


2020年3月15日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第三主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “我要耶稣”


March 8, 2020 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 32:1-4, “My Song is Love Unknown”


2020年3月8日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第二主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “耶稣哭了”


March 1, 2020 10:30am English Language worship (first 35 minutes):  Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 32:1-4, “YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE”


Note: There was a crash in our livestream after 35 minutes of the 10:30 Service video. The continuation is on the next video


March 1, 2019 10:30am English Language worship (continuation): Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: Psalm 32:1-4, “YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE”


2020年3月1日上午8點45分中文堂預苦期第一主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “勝過試探”


February 2020

February 23, 2019 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow- 2 Peter 1:16-21, “LIVES TRANSFIGURED”


2020年2月23日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “全然靠主”


February 16, 2020 10:30am English Language worship:  Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: I Corinthians 3:1-9 “AN UNFORGETTABLE ENCOUNTER: SAVED FROM A WATERY GRAVE”


2020年2月16日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “靠主喜樂”


February 11, 2020 Na Kupuna FELLOWSHIP SEMINAR: “HELP!! I’M FALLING!! Falling is not an inevitable result of ageing”


February 9, 2020 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Isaiah 58:6-9 “Risking to loosen the chains of injustice”


2020年2月9日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “不要憂慮”


February 2, 2020 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Psalm 15 -“I grew up in your churches”


2020年2月2日上午8點45分中文堂聖餐主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “得著更豐盛的生命”


January 2020

January 26, 2020 10:30am English Language worship:  Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Isaiah 9:1-4 “The Word of God continues to spread rapidly in Asia. How? The people walking in darkness have seen a great light”


2020年1月26日上午8點45分中文堂春節主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “有福的人”


January 19, 2020 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow- Matthew 2:13-15 “God’s movements in Europe in Paul’s time and God’s movement in Rev. Wong & Chinese churches in England and Europe in our time”


2020年1月19日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “生命豐盛,為主結果”


January 12, 2020 10:00am Joint Mandarin-English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – 使徒行傳 Acts 6:1-7 “The Word of God spread: The number of disciples in Jerusalem (in so many parts of our world today) increased rapidly 神的道興旺起來:在耶路撒冷門徒數目加增的甚多(今天在世界各地許多地方也是如此”


January 5, 2020 10:30am English Language worship: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – Matthew 2:13-15 “Baby Jesus as a refugee: Named and claimed”


2020年1月5日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “祝福滿滿的人生”




December 2019

The 10:30am English Language worship on December 29, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: John 3:16 “For God so Loved the World”


2019年12月29日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “智慧的人生”


The 8:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight service worship on December 24, 2019: Pastor Mark Blair, Beijing International Christian Fellowship: “Did Jesus come for you?”


The 10:00am Joint English-Mandarin Language worship on December 22, 2019: Pastor Thomas Tsen: “God’s Love is Here on Earth – 神愛在人間” John 约翰福音 1: 9-14


The 10:30am English Language worship on December 15, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: “We work with Joy, and we rest with Peace”


2019年12月15日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “全地因主救恩歡樂”


The 10:30am English Language worship on December 8, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: “We Hope All the Time for Peace”


2019年12月8日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “神的平安充滿遍地”


The 10:30am English Language worship on December 1, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow: “In the Fullness of Time”


2019年12月1日上午8點45分中文堂主日崇拜: 曾立德牧師 – “你當預備迎見主”


November 2019

The 10:30am Combined English-Mandarin Language Thanksgiving Sunday worship on November 24, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – “The Thanksgiving gift we take is equal to the Thanksgiving gift we make!”


The 10:30am English Language worship on November 17, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow – “Saints in the Making at First Chinese, Part 2″


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on November 17, 2019: 曾立德牧師 – “一心稱謝神”


The 10:30am English Language worship on November 10, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on November 10, 2019: 曾立德牧師-“我們的好處不在主以外”


The 10:30am English Language worship on November 3, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, – “Remembering our Saints”


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on November 3, 2019: 曾立德牧師-“神的慈愛比生命更好”


October 2019
The 10:00am Joint English-Mandarin Language worship on October 27, 2019: Rev. Thomas Tsen曾立德牧師, – Not Ashamed of the Gospel 不以福音為恥 Romans 羅馬書1: 13-17


The 10:30am English Language worship on October 20, 2019: Pastor Choo Lak Yeow, – “Spirit of God, lift me up”


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on October 20, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on October 13, 2019: Pastor Bob Marchant -“What Pressure Does”


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on October 13, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on October 6, 2019: Pastor Thomas Tsen -“Building Ourselves up in Love”


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on October 6, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


September 2019

The 10:30am English Language worship on September 29, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on September 29, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on September 22, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on September 22, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on September 15, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on September 15, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on September 8, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on September 8, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on September 1, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on September 1, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


August 2019
The 10:30am English Language worship on August 25, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on August 25, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on August 18, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on August 18, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on August 11, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on August 11, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on August 4, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Language worship on August 4, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


July 2019

The 10:30am English Language worship on July 28, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on July 28, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on July 21, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on July 21, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English Language worship on July 14, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on July 14, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on July 7, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on July 7, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


June 2019

The 10:30am English language worship on June 30, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on June 30, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on June 23, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on June 23, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English worship on June 16, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:00am English-Mandarin 140th Anniversary worship on June 9, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ. Note: video cut off in middle of sermon.


May 2019

The 10:30am English language worship on May 19, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on May 19, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on May 12, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ.


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on May 12, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on May 5, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on May 5, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ

April 2019
The 10:30am English language worship on April 28, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on April 28, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawaii


The Easter Sunday English-Mandarin language worship on April 21, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawaii


The Maundy Thursday English-Mandarin language worship on April 18, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ in Hawaii


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on April 14, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on April 14, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on April 7, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on April 7, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


March 2019

The 10:30am English language worship on March 31, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on March 31, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on March 24, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on March 24, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on March 17, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on March 17, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on March 10, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on March 10, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on March 3, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am Mandarin language worship on March 3, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


February 2019
The 10:30am English language worship on February 24, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on February 24, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin and 10:30am English language worship on February 17, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ. Note: Youtube combined the two services together for some reason. Will try to fix this for next week.


The 10:30am English language worship on February 10, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on February 10, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on February 3, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on February 3, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


January 2019

The 10:30am English language worship on January 27, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin language worship on January 27, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:30am English language worship on January 20, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45am Mandarin Worship on January 20, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 10:00 Combined Worship on January 13, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


Pastor Kekapa Lee’s Retirement Celebration on January 12, 2019


The 10:30 English language Worship on January 6, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ


The 8:45 Mandarin Worship on January 6, 2019 at the First Chinese Church of Christ




December 2018

10:00am Joint Worship December 30, 2018 – Pastor Kekapa Lee’s last day before retirement


Christmas Eve worship service 8:00 pm December 24, 2018


10:00 Worship December 23, 2018


10:30am Worship December 16, 2018


8:45am Mandarin Worship December 16, 2018


10:30am Worship December 9, 2018


8:45am Worship December 9, 2018


10:30 Worship December 2, 2018


November 2018

10:30 Worship November 25, 2018


10:00 Thanksgiving Sunday Service November 17, 2018


10:30 Worship November 11, 2018





Love, Love, Love! preached by Kekapa Lee on November 1, 2015


YouTube Video:Pastor Jonathan Cheng preaching on August 30, 2015


YouTube Video:Pastor Kekapa Lee preaching on August 30, 2015


YouTube Video: Pastor John Lee preaching on August 23, 2015


Sermon Points: Kekapa Lee – “Lent 4: God’s Grace Lifts Us Up Again And Again!” – March 15, 2015


Kekapa Lee – “Seeing Glimpses of God in Jesus & in Faithful People Around Us!” – February 15, 2015





Kekapa Lee – “Advent 4: God’s Timing, God’s Plans, God’s Work!” – December 21, 2014


Kekapa Lee – “Advent 2: Keeping Christ in Christmas 2014” – December 7, 2014


Kekapa Lee – “Living Into the Kingdom at Every Moment – Doing the Work that Each day Presents!” – November 9, 2014


Kekapa Lee – “Church Leaders Serve the People Of TFCCCH!” – November 2, 2014


Kekapa Lee – “Jesus Loves Me This I Know, For the Bible Tells Me So!” – October 26, 2014


Sermon points: Kekapa Lee – “Our Whole World Belongs to God!” – October 19, 2014


Sermon points: Kekapa Lee – “Let God Be God!” – October 12, 2014


Sermon points: Kekapa Lee – “God Provides for our Deepest Needs!” – September 21, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Easter 7: We are Called to Unity That Seeks Understanding and Strength As We Reach Out in Service! – June 1, 2014


Kekapa Lee – GOD is Always Along with Us on Our Life’s Journey! – May 4, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Turning Our Sorrows into Joy! – April 20, 2014


Kekapa Lee – GOD Will Never Desert Us! – April 13, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Lent 5: Jesus is MESSIAH, the RESURRECTION & Life Now! – April 6, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Lent 4: Learning to See Through GOD’s Eyes & the Spirit’s Prompting! – March 30, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Lent 3: GOD Provides Us Living Water to Share the Good News! – March 23, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Lent 1: Trusting GOD in the Wilderness Experiences of Our Lives! – March 9, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Transfiguration: “GOD’s Light is Manifested in Jesus and to GOD’s People – the Church!” – March 2, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Sermon on the Mount (4/4) “We are to Live by GOD’s Covenant that Shapes Us All!” – February 23, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Sermon on the Mount (3/4) “GOD is Able to Work on the Hardest Places in Our Hearts and to Soften Them So that We Can Love GOD & Our Neighbors!” – February 16, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Sermon on the Mount (2/4) “Jesus Calls Us to be Salt & Light to the World!” – February 9, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Sermon on the Mount (1/4) “GOD’s Power & Aloha Are Revealed Through Foolishness & Weakness!” – February 2, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Jesus Defines Us Christians & Gives Unity to Us! – January 26, 2014


Kekapa Lee – Seeing Signs of GOD’s New Life Born Among Us! – January 5, 2014





Kekapa Lee – Because of Christ – We Are Different! – December 29, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Advent 3: Crank Up the Joy & Light in Our Church – TFCCCH! – December 14, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Advent 1 : “We Want to See As GOD Sees!” – December 1, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Christ’s Reign: Forgiveness of Our Enemies! – November 24, 2013


Kekapa Lee – We Are Witnesses of GOD’s Aloha! – November 3, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Nothing Stands in the Way of GOD’s Aloha & No Distance is Too Great for GOD’s Grace to Reach! – October 27, 2013


Kekapa Lee – GOD Gives Us Knowledge – so go do ’em! – October 20, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God’s Faithfulness Extends to All People (even to those who are not Christian)! – October 13, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Faith Grows When We Are in Community! – October 6, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Struggling to Find a Way to Live in the World, and Yet Not Of It! – September 22, 2013


Kekapa Lee – We Are the body of Christ – Creating Something of Beauty! – September 8, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God Calls Us to Creative Interdependence! – September 1, 2013


Kekapa Lee – GOD Call us All! GOD Affirms us ALL! GOD is a Refuge for All! – August 25, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Yes, Bad Things Happened for Years! Yet GOD is With Us – Always! – August 18, 2013


Kekapa Lee – To Have Faith Means to Live a Radically Different Way! – August 11, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Live Rich Toward GOD, Share from Our Surplus! – August 4, 2013


Kekapa Lee – It’s Okay to ‘Pestor’ GOD with Our Prayers! – July 28, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Listening to God’s Word! – July 21, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Go and Respond to the Needs of Those You Encounter; Treat Everyone with Aloha & Justice! – July 14, 2013


Kekapa Lee – We Can Rise from Difficult Waters Healed & Refreshed! – July 7, 2013


Kekapa Lee – We Are All Ministers of GOD’s Aloha! – June 30, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God’s Spirit Offers Respite & Renewal! – June 23, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God’s Ways Always Triumphs! – June 16, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God’s Healing Aloha is infinite! – June 9, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Praise, Demonstrate and Celebrate our faith over and over again – June 1, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God sends the Spirit to empower Mission in the gathered community of TFCCCH – May 19, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Changing the World and Our Neighborhoods by Practicing Aloha & Forgiveness – May 12


Kekapa Lee – Our God is a God Who Welcomes Everyone – May 5, 2013


Kekapa Lee – When the Spirit Leads, we are to follow in Aloha – April 28, 2013


doc: Kekapa Lee – Let’s get up and live in the power of our risen Christ (sermon Points only) – April 21, 2013


doc: Kekapa Lee – We are an Easter People at TFCCCH (Sermon Points only) – April 14, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Jesus is Risen! Re-remembering, new insights and fresh perspectives) – March 24, 2013


Kekapa Lee – What Does Jesus’ Passion make of us?) – March 24, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Holding to the promise to make sense of the present) – February 24, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Wilderness Times are Maika‘i! (Sermon points only)) – February 17, 2013


Kekapa Lee – God’s Glory in New & Surprising Ways! (Sermon points only)) – February 10, 2013


Kekapa Lee – We are Being Called to God’s Wisdom (Sermon points only)) – February 3, 2013


Kekapa Lee – Epiphany: The Star Also Shines on Our Life Journey in 2013! (Sermon points only)) – January 6, 2013





Kekapa Lee – Nū Oli: God’s Joyful News of Great Joy! (Sermon points only)) – December 16, 2012


Kekapa Lee – God’s Reign is Always Near & Christ is Ever Present! (Sermon points only)) – December 2, 2012


Kekapa Lee – Seeing Ourselves & Our Neighbors with New Eyes! (Sermon points only)) – November 11, 2012


Kekapa Lee – Love God with all Heart, Soul & Mind—Love Your Neighbor as Yourself! (Sermon points only) – November 4, 2012


Kekapa Lee – If You Want to be 1st in Line, Go & Stand in the Back! (Sermon points only) – October 21, 2012