The Honolulu YMCA


The Honolulu YMCA building which was built in 1881, four years after Sit Moon left Hawaii. The organization was founded in Hawaii in 1869 and incorporated under King Kalakaua in 1882. The site of the building is now occupied by the Executive Centre at the Makai-Ewa side of Hotel and Bishop Streets.

In 1875, Rev. A.W. Loomis recommended Sit Moon who had been working with the Presbyterian Mission field in San Francisco for the last 15 years and who he called the best Chinese Evangelist in the California, to be a preacher/colportuer for the Honolulu Young Men’s Christian Association to evangelize the Chinese laborers in Hawaii. He is hired by the YMCA and he goes on evangelistic tours of the Hawaiian Islands, leading many of his countrymen to Christ.